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[영상] KBS 드라마 스페셜 - 우리가 계절이라면 [KBS Drama Special - If We Were a Season / 2017.10.05]

- Synopsis: Two high school students were born and raised together as neighbors. This boy and girl are more like a married couple. They don’t say it, but they are precious to each other. Then one day, a new student appears. Unlike these two who don’t express their hearts, he’s brave and bold in expressing his feelings. He was enough to shake up the relationship of these two students. It was when everything was yet immature and clumsy. Let’s think about our forgotten past.

파릇파릇한 채수빈을 볼 수 있는 드라마네요. ^^

[々 ao ao] 파릇파릇

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