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[잡담] Robert Reich 님의 문재인 대통령에 대한 평가 (원문 주소)

One final thought from my few days here in South Korea. In the drama that’s unfolding, we hear a lot about Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. But if there is ever going to be a lasting peace on the Korean peninsula, the person who will deserve the Nobel Peace Prize won't be Trump. It will be South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in.

Over the years, I have come across many presidents and prime ministers, and have worked with many of their governments. But rarely if ever have I witnessed someone as talented, intelligent, humble, and progressive as President Moon. He also has a superb administration, dedicated to fairness, inclusion, and democracy. At this fragile point in time, when Trump and Kim -- two hot-headed paranoids -- could start a nuclear war, the world is fortunate to have Moon at the helm in South Korea.

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